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Prof. Dr. Martin Mundt

Head of the OWL-ML group

Martin Mundt is the OWL-ML research group leader at the University of Bremen. He is also a board member of directors at the non-profit organization ContinualAI and core-organizer at Queer in AI. He currently serves as Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) chair at CoLLAs 2025, was previously DEI Chair at AAAI-24 and Review Process Chair for CoLLAs-24.

Prior to joining the University of Bremen, Martin was a junior research group leader and visiting professor at TU Darmstadt and hessian.AI. He holds a PhD in computer science and a Master’s of Physics from Goethe University Frankfurt.

Martin’s work focuses on lifelong machine learning to render AI systems more adaptive, inclusive, robust, and sustainable. His respective work has received several distinctions, including best paper at FAccT-23, student paper highlight at AISTATS-24, a best computer science lecture and a PhD thesis award

PhD Students

Subarnaduti Paul

PhD Student


Interests: Continual Federated Learning, Multimodal Lifelong Learning, Memory

Roshni Kamath

Affiliated PhD at TU Darmstadt

Interests: Open World Learning, Bayesian Continual Learning, Causality

Joining in Spring 2025

PhD Student

Interests: Complementary Learning Systems, Dynamic Neural Architectures, Neuro-inspired Lifelong Learning

Joining in Spring 2025

PhD Student

Interests: Inclusive and Participatory AI Practice,
Multimodal Lifelong Learning